Erasmus+ Youth is one of the best things I´ve found about Erasmus+ program.
Last week I took part on a 7 days training about internet and online learning with the aim of creating an international platform for knowledge sharing in the youth program itself.
This project is special as is not a single time trainership but the firts of the ones happening in a period of two years.
As the first training, we were learning and getting to know different Non Formal Education (NFE) techniques, Online Learning (OL) platforms and tools and some tradicional ways of teaching.
In the next one we will define what the system must have, how should it work and start creating the platform, but for now I´ll just talk about the current experience!
In the project there was a multidisciplinar team of 25 people that came from different sectors, like IT, Teaching, Marketing, Public health…
Because of this, we first needed to focuse on making sure everybody knew what Online Learning is, and what is it related with Non Formal Education.
The workshops where splited into four per day, of 1,5h each (6h per day in total), in a 4* Hotel in Durrës, Albania. A place 2 minutes far from the beach and with an enviable rooftop with views to the whole city.
The organizing team was really involved into the proccess, taking actions on the spontaneous events that occurred and taking care of out entertainment and health.
I´m posting a couple of photos about me taken during the event:
My favourite activity, the real “Online Learning”
Also, one of the activities organized during the workshops was specially interesting for me. We had 30 minutes for organizing, spplitted into 4 groups, a TED Talk about Non Formal Education.
I was in the Social Media team. There I prepared the campaing and installed software, hardware and images design for the streaming of the event.
My main task was to connect my own equipment (completly improvised, I had to connect an SJCam 4000 to my PC) and preparing the software for recording and streaming.
In this case I´ve choosen OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) because I already played with it some years ago.
I also was in charge of the graphics for the social media (giving directions) and coordinating with the Graphic Design team.
Coordination team was helpful when placing the recording equipment in the right place for the event.
The result of the activity
The official projects home can be found in
Read more about my Erasmus+ Youth trainings in