ESN international webSTAR awards it’s a contest celebrated every year to find the best ESN website among the network.
ESN Alicante won the 1st place award for the year 2018-2019 on the webSTARS contest with the website
The winner website was designed and develped by one of It’s local members, Nestor Sabater
ESN sites usually make use of satellite, a theme style developed by the ESN IT international committee, that gives drupal websites the visual identity of the organization.
Nestor Sabater gently extended this theme with fuctionalities and designs that feet the needs of his local section in a smooth and up to date way while also adding functionalities to the main drupal core.
This lead the local section from ESN Alicante (Spain) to win the starAward contest for 18/19.
Some of this new features are:
- Realtime chat for support
- Landing page design
- Interactive map for office location
- Sober infopage about the section